RESOURCES for daughters

Workbook…Journal…and Flashcards!

What would your life be like if everything you touched turned to gold? How would you live if you were the gold — the healed, highly valued daughter?

This Series is for you if -

  • You are a daughter

  • You have ever felt rejected by your father

  • You have struggled with daddy issues

  • You battle unforgiveness and resentment

  • You have lost, or do not know, your identity as a daughter

  • You need a reminder of God’s love for you


Catch the replay of our live discussion on mental health and the crippling effects of fear.

Guest: Kelli G. Wood, LCSW


This Life is Gold seeks to change the narrative on this thing called life. Its mission is to target forbidden and uncomfortable stigmas that greatly impact our family units.

This involves intentional platforms and resources that tackle topics such as family tension, divorce, pastoring, mental health, communication, unspoken truths, pride, resentment, unforgiveness, and more.

It starts with a conversation.

There is something for everyone. In the words of the Founder’s mother, “This Life is God and Gold!


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